OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Saturday, April 3, 2010


We started out really well this morning, on track to leave by 10 or 10:30 am for the airport for our 2 pm flight to Philly. At 8:15 am, our travel agent friend called – US Air had called her to say that flights were delayed and they wanted us on an earlier flight. Yes, earlier. Like at 11:40 am.

We were mostly packed at that point, thank God. We scrambled out the door at 9, hit traffic on US 23 but made it to the airport in time to get the flight, which was delayed about 30 minutes anyway. Of course, we had plenty of time in Philadelphia, waiting for our 6:20 pm flight to Paris, which left more or less on time.

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