OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Rainy Sunday Thoughts

Should I wear sweatpants on the plane? I would wear pajama bottoms if I had any that were in wear-in-public condition. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure I have sweatpants that are in wear-outside-the-gym condition, but I'm also not sure I should care. And I keep thinking about our European Tour as kids - my parents took us all on a 6 week journey in 1976 - and I am positive our mother made us dress nice for the plane. I think we also had to dress nicely to go to the doctor too back then.

I checked weather.com and it predicts 50 degrees and light rain for Paris while we are there, and upper 50s/partly cloudy for Venice. Sunny and mid-60s for Rome over Easter at least, here's hoping it stays that way when we are there.

Ryne is considering taking his clarinet along and playing in St Mark's Square to earn money. I think this idea has merit as long as he plays the piece he is supposed to play for solo and ensemble the Saturday after we get back.

I have the name of the "best" Paris bakery - Patissiere Laduree. Check these out! http://www.laduree.fr/public_en/produits/patisseries_accueil.htm


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