OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Sunday, March 28, 2010


According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it will be asparagus season in Italy when we are there. More specifically, white asparagus season. Bob and I are very excited about this. Apparently, restaurants all over Italy offer all-asparagus menus in April and May, right down to dessert - like cheesecake made with an asparagus compote. We love asparagus, but an all-asparagus menu and asparagus dessert is probably pushing the bounds of our devotion.

White asparagus is grown underground - under layers of light soil. Many of the farms are 25 miles outside Venice, and we would love to check it out but I suspect the level of teenage protest would be fairly high.

The article is here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703734504575125533776311198.html