OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Bakery (Saturday)

So, we still hadn't found the fat man in a beret that was on Ryne's Paris list  - and no way would we make it to the Louvre, which was on Vonn's list. So, Saturday we decided to try to find the "best bakery in Paris" - Laduree, on Champs Elysee. We found it, and it was amazing.

Yummy pastries. And "macarons" are fabulous - those are the round cookie cakes on the plate in the upper center. Black current, chocolate, vanilla and praline. Awesome. It's good they don't make these at home, trust me.

All served in the "bar," a completely art deco space, so incredible.

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