OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Last Bit Of Jet Lag, We Hope

It’s 10:30 am. We’ve missed the hotel breakfast. Everyone was up in the night, which makes no sense, but that’s jet lag for you. I know I heard someone eating at about 3 am…

Today's plan was to go to the Eiffel Tower, since the rain was holding off. The guidebooks should read "allow 6 hours." And the French have a very casual attitude toward lines. We stood in line for about an hour before we were even sure we were in the right one. After about 3 hours, we finally made it to the ticket booth and the lift (we did consider the stairs, briefly - and we did take them down from the 2nd level and judging by the people coming UP, we made the right choice with the lift!).

The views were great (pics will be posted later), but that was the whole day.

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