OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dinner Sunday

After that, you might wonder why I bothered to ask the hotel staff to recommend a restaurant, but I was in the mood to really push the outer limits of their abilities. Although you might think I had already done that with the boarding passes. Anyway, this place was quite a walk, back down to the area we had such a good dinner Saturday. It was way past where the end of the lines for the Vatican Museum were for every day we were in Rome…

Lo and behold, the place was yummy.  Fried baby calamari – and they were babies, ½ inch long and delicious, and yes, I am also wondering how you obtain baby squids. Are they farmed? Secret breeding grounds discovered and monitored?

A meat platter for the meatitarians – several types of salami, proscuitto, plus fresh mozzarella and grilled veggies. Pasta and steak and seafood risotto, all very very good, especially with the bottle of Sicilian syrah Bob and I had. British waiter who was a bit nutty, but enjoyable and helpful.

Such a pleasant way to end the day and the stay…until we walked out into the pouring rain. Huge thunderstorm. I suggested we have the restaurant staff call a taxi, but Bob’s response (come on, you all know him, you know what his response was!) “We don’t need a cab.”

I haven’t been that mad at my husband in a very very long time. I haven’t been that wet with all my clothes on in a very very long time. I mentally kicked myself for not just telling him, “Meet you there” and taking a cab with the boys – which of course I couldn’t do anyway because he has been handing out the euros like they were papal favors.

Wet clothes to pack, damp shoes to wear on our 12 hour trip home…

But not to worry, he's still alive, we are still married, and I was speaking to him by lunchtime Monday.

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