OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Classic Italian Restaurant Tale

Last night, we (Vonn opted to skip dinner and stay in the room) went out with 2 recommended restaurant choices in hand, all within walking distance. The first I knew would not appeal to Ryne, who does not agree that eating should be an adventure. The second had a menu that looked good, but no seating available. We checked out a few more and settled on a place that had spaghetti and meatballs on the menu for Ryne (meatballs are harder to find here than you would think). I was more worried about Bob and I, since the rest of the menu looked pretty limited.

When the waiter came over, I decided to just ask what was the good pasta today and he immediately described a salmon in cream sauce on gnocchi. There was no gnocchi on the menu at all, let alone a salmon cream sauce. Needless to say, I went with his recommendation (and Bob got the sauce on spaghetti) and it was awesome (shout out to Tom B - your gnocchi hold up real well when compared to the Roman version!).

Ryne's meatballs were good too.

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