OK, so maybe it's not quite a WORLD tour

Paris, Venice and Rome

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I will go back and post from the Paris days, but wanted to get on and test the wifi in our current hotel in Venice. I will have entire blog entry just for EasyJet (OMG), but we are here, took the bus from Marco Polo Airport then a water bus, which is just intrinsically hilarious...and we are at the Hotel alla Salute. Had dinner somewhere on the Grand Canal near the Accademia, best meal of the trip IMO (splitting a bottle of "house red" with my honey, which turned out to be a very good Italian Cabernet Sauvignon of all things), and now to bed. We have to move to the neighboring hotel tomorrow because of "problems with the room"which could be anything from the condition of the bathroom to an overbooking, they won't really say...

1 comment:

  1. Problem with the room - overbooking, or floods...
    Food in Italy IS the best you will have the entire trip!
